Thanks for your interest in working with me!

If you're here because you're interested in having me write
copy for you, we might be a good fit if:

  • You're making at least 5 figures a month in your business

  • You genuinely want to help people, as well as profit from doing it (so the thought of scamming people and selling them garbage makes your blood boil)

  • You can comfortably afford it (see bullet #1)

  • You know who you're serving (because you understand that no copy will be effective if it's written for the wrong group of people)

  • You recognize that good copy is just ONE piece of your success (along with having an offer people want, enough of the right people in your world to buy it, and a good reputation with those people)

  • You understand the value of spending money to make it back + more, and invest in your business on a regular basis

  • Regarding email copy, you know that sending one or two emails to a dead list who hasn't heard from you since Jimmy Carter was president isn't going to make you millions of dollars (no matter how big your list is)

If these ALL sound like you, then enter your email below to join my waitlist.

My client book is pretty full (because most of my client work comes via referrals), plus I'm occupied with my own projects.

But if you're on my waitlist, you'll get an email next time space opens up. 

I make no promises any space will open up, or that if it does, it'll be anytime soon, but if you're on my waitlist, you'll hear first. 

Thanks again!

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If you're interested in content coaching, or in getting to know me to see if you want to learn content creation from me, the best place to start is my free list of 7 Ways To Stop The Scroll.


High Octane Marketing, LLC  |  1553 N Milwaukee St PMB 204, Boise, ID 83704  |  workwithandrea (at)
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